

Digital collections in games in the form of NFT are increasing in popularity with the launch of CryptoKitties in 2018 and strong initial success. . We believe NFT brings great potential applications to the merchandise market.

Utilizing the appeal of cryptography collections, the Project will first integrate new economies with the old economy, creating a completely new business model. The creation of the Colletrix platform ("Platform") will introduce the industry's first platform where the original IP owners can provide new lifetime licenses through tokenization. NFT technology to build new business models that will benefit IP Owners and consumers. By doing that, we began the first step to develop and enhance the blockchain community ecosystem. This platform will be a new milestone for the merchandise and IP industry market.

We are proud to introduce Colletrix, a blockchain project to bring together elements from IP, blockchain, and merchandise to be supported by the world's leading smart contract system, Ethereum.

Through the platform, we predict the interest of collectors; we maximize the benefits of the franchisee; we enjoy the benefits of IP owners.

The platform is a new business model consisting of mutually beneficial relationships between five parties: IP owners, Merchandisers, Collectors, Crypto fans, and you.

For IP owners

This project is the owner of the original IP owner
opportunity to grant a lifetime license by accepting NFT. The unique design of the IP will be included in their unique NFT, and will lead to the creation of a secondary IP-NFT market ("NFT Marketplace"). IP owners will be rewarded.

Colletrix envisions a world where new economies and old economies will be fully integrated to create new economic models that maximize benefits for all
Participants Starting with IP and the creative industry, we envision a revolutionary industry where IP owners will be able to maintain the license prize they are entitled to accept the application of blockchain technology.

Through the Platform, Colletrix strives to create a new market value by integrating IP tokenszation. With the introduction of NFT, we will combine the old economy and the new economy. Therefore, we will do so to extend the possibility for all IP owners and makers around the world to make long-term licenses for their IP6; and for merchandisers, we will offer them new market values on physical commodities through the application blockchain, maximizing the attractiveness and benefits of their products.

Token Info

Colletrix will issue its own ecosystem token, Colletrix Token (CIPX). CIPX is a cryptocurrency that is supported by the Ethereum network with the ERC-20 standard. Therefore, all records related to CIPX can be seen using the Ethereum browser.

Token Name: Colletrix
Symbol: CIPX
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC721

Roadmap and Milestones

Colletrix Team



For more information :


Bitcointalk Profile :;u=1965191

ETH address : 0x344b2dA349F63F488d1490861c59E73bDbAF11A4


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